Foster Grandparents help children learn to read, provide one-on-one tutoring, and guide children at critical times in their lives.

The whole community benefits. Schools get classroom helpers at no charge. Studies show that Foster Grandparents are healthier, live longer and are happier because of their volunteerism. Children who are paired with a Foster Grandparent show improvement in behavior and attendance and are more likely to be promoted to the next grade.
To qualify, Foster Grandparents must be:
- At least 55 years old
- Within the income guidelines as set by the program
- Physically and mentally able to serve
- Available to serve 15 – 40 hours a week
Positions are offered at Head Start centers, schools, homeless shelters and other youth facilities in East Baton Rouge and Pointe Coupee Parishes. Some volunteers may qualify to earn a tax-free, hourly stipend. Foster Grandparents receive pre-service orientation, training, and supplemental accident and liability insurance while on duty.